Blogvember Day 4: My Sleep Suit

What do you wear to bed?

This is a rather odd question.
It depends.
What season, how cold I am, who I’m with… You know.
On a normal basis, I wear a shirt and shorts. Or nothing.
Or fuzzy pants.

Lately I’ve just been wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt. J’s sweat pants. They’re super comfy.

…I really don’t know what else I’d say to answer this question.

What do you guys wear? XD

Blogvember Day 3: If We Date…

What kind of person attracts you? 

You know the old joke about people with “nice personalities”? Like the “he’s not Brad Pitt but aww he’s cute look he’s trying” kind of thing?

Well, I kinda detest that concept regarding personalities as second best to physical features, seeing as a personality is probably the most important thing to me in a person.

If I had to rate what I looked for in the opposite gender, I’d definitely go off of
-personality/sense of humor
…in that order.

For me, looks are only surface deep.  You could be absolutely GORGEOUS but if you cannot make me laugh, handle my awkwardness, get my sarcasm (or throw it right back at me), or hold a conversation, then… It’s not gonna work.  You have to get my interested. And HOLD my interest.
..I get distracted easily XD

They say “if the eyes are the window to the soul, the smile is the front door”, and I believe every word of this. Your smile has to be genuine– the light-up-your-face-and-make-your-eyes-crinkle type of genuine. I’ve smiled for school pictures before– I try to think of something funny so I don’t end up with a fake smile on my face, because I can spot those a mile away.  Your smile has to invite me in, make me want to smile, make me want to talk to you.

One thing that’s SUPER DUPER attractive is the way someone lights up about their passions, unrestricted and unbothered by outside opinion. When someone is into something and you can see it bloom across their face when they talk about it, that’s attractive. I like confidence. I am drawn to ambitious people who do not feel inferior and do not feel the need to make others feel inferior in their own passions.

The only thing better than a well-dressed man is a well mannered man, and one who has a personal code of conduct or set of beliefs.  Don’t be wishy-washy in your stance when hard times come, take pride in your abilities, and do the right thing. There’s nothing more attractive than a decent human being.

I save looks for last, mostly because it’s like the bow on a present. It’s not necessary, but it’s a nice bonus touch (;
…That being said, I find abs attractive, sandy blonde hair, chiseled cheek bones, dimples, and light eyes quite lovely (; Height is a tossup–I like medium to tall guys, but I don’t really care. Then again, it’s not hard to be taller than me, soooooooooooo (;

You know what else I’m attracted to?

People who are just having fun in their lives. Wherever they’re at, whatever they’re doing– if they’re happy about it, positive about it, and glad to be where they are, that’s great.


Blogvember Day 2: There’s Me, then… Me 2.0

How have you changed in the past two years?


What a loaded question.

So much has changed.

Two years ago today I was a sophomore in high school, still under the deceptive fog that every grade matters and that the biggest goal in life is getting into college.

Two years ago today I was super self conscious about what I wore and how I fit in with people.

Two years ago today I was focused on pleasing those around me.

Two years ago today… I may have smiled more.

Two years ago today… I couldn’t see myself applying to schools and taking almost exclusively AP classes.

Two years ago today my procrastination skills were weak.

Two years ago today I didn’t have short hair.

Two years ago today I was in the awkward stages of a relationship with J.


Here and now, I’m a senior. And it feels friggin weird. (Responsibility?! Money?! What is this) …And every grade doesn’t matter. I’ve learned to prioritize. Taking everything as the same importance will kill you. I know now where I can cut corners to save my sanity.

Here and now, I’ve settled into a group of people who are all crazy– like me. And I love them to death. But the best part is? I don’t care what people think. Those weird looks as we scootered around outside the senior patio in the pouring rain on senior spirit day? Yeah. Priceless. Keep those -weird- jealous looks coming (;

Here and now, I’ve learned to make time for myself. I can’t be everything for everybody. No one can. When I need to put myself first, I will.

Here and now, I smile less. I try, but sometimes life is too much. I’m currently in the process of changing that, though.

Here and now, I’ve applied to one school already and am working on my second for a November 15 deadline– go me!! (It’s not that bad and ominous as I originally thought).

Here and now, procrastination is my specialty. I do it often, but I do it well. I can make bullshit look like it came from a cat (;

Here and now I rock shorter locks. And I love it.

Here and now I have settled into a groove with J– and though I do not know what the coming year has in store for us… I’m focused on living in the moment and enjoying everything I can and dealing with things as they come.

So much can happen in two years. And while sometimes I don’t recognize myself… some parts of me I’ve had since forever ago are resurfacing, to blend and merge with the new parts of me. They’re bubbling together to form who I am now. It’s an ever-changing process that is totally unpredictable.

And I’m becoming okay with that.


Blogvember Day 1: I’m Weird When I’m Alone.

What are some weird things you do alone? 

Well, for starters, I answer questions like this.

But in reality… I sing (ridiculously, loudly, and obnoxiously) in opera voice, I walk around my house with minimal clothing (all about that comfort, amiright ladies?), I overcome my self-discipline and raid my fridge for the weirdest items (like cottage cheese and pickles), AND I talk to myself.

I don’t need to justify any of these. I realize.

But they’re fun.

And the best part?

No one is around to judge me. Not that I’d care too much (except for being indecently exposed around my family, which…. could get quite awkward).

Opera builds my vocal skillz (heh), walking around half naked exposes my skin to fresh air (stupid oxygen-depriving clothes), ravaging the fridge satisfies my odd cravings and hunger, and speaking aloud to myself about anything on my mind or simply my chain of actions…keeps me sane.

What about you?

What weird things do you do when no one’s watching?

Blogvember, Here I Come!


So. I haven’t posted in a while and I want get back on my game in terms of my writing skills and just general spewing of emotions on my brainchild {awkward imagery, I know}. So here’s a cool challenge I found on Ladyleemanilla’s blog. I’m a bit behind but I’ll just improvise (;


1. Weird things you do when you’re alone
2. How have you changed in the past two years?
3. What kind of person attracts you?
4. What do you wear to bed?
5. Five things that you’re a Tate you about the opposite sex? The same sex?
6. The person you like and why you like them.
7. Your opinion on cheating on people.
8. Something you’re currently worrying about.
9. Your last kiss.
10. Your views about drugs and alcohol.
11. Your current relationship. (If single, discuss how single life is)
12. Things you want to say to an ex.
13. A date you would love to go on.
14. Something disgusting you do.
15. The best thing to happen to you this week.
16. 3 things you’re proud of about your personality.
17. Things that make you scared.
18. Disrespecting parents.
19. Something that never fails to make you feel better.
20. The last argument you had.
21. Something you can’t seem to get over.
22. 10 things about you people don’t really expect.
23. Something you always think “what if…” about
24. Things you want to say to 5 different people.
25. 10 ways to win your heart
26. Your religious beliefs.
27. Talk about your siblings.
28. The month when you were happiest this year and why
29. A picture of yourself.

30. What changed this month and what you hope will happen next month

So there it is! 30 days of *crosses fingers* blogging. Should get me back in the game. I’ll see what I can come up with for these… some look… daunting 😛



So today I decided to take the reins.

I deleted all of the social networking sites off of my phone, barring one: Snapchat.

My reasons behind this?

I got tired. It was beginning to get to me. I mean, research has even proven that social media is a trigger for depression. After watching people day in and day out… post their lives, take pictures just to post later, sit on their phones with other people around {guilty as charged…}

It just
Made me realize what a huge lying trap it is.

I have felt so unhappy lately. And while part of it may not be directly related to social media, I think subconsciously, some of it was.

And I just grew sick of everything being so fake. On my Instagram, I’ve tried to keep it real… I posted pictures of what I loved, things I found funny, people I loved, and capped them off with clever captions. I detested “basic” posts or the “typical” Instagram routine, but I was just falling into it. The same went with Twitter.

But then it hit me.

Why on earth
Do I have to prove my life to people?

What is this, a competition?

I want friendships and connections, not likes on a screen.

So I just decided to let it all go.

Deleting things was easier than I thought– A few taps and temptation vanished.

Afterwards I decided to clean my room, and get rid of all negative and cluttered energy within my space that was subconsciously causing a booby trap of a life style.

It was funny– On Halloween I went with a group of German students for a state-wide organization meeting at Busch Garden’s Hall-O-Scream. I ended up losing my phone.

LOL I recovered it though, by some miracle… But even when I got it back, I didn’t take pictures or use it all that often. Mostly because I was lacking space on my device.

However, it made me realize
how much better it is to just experience. You don’t have to record/snapchat/post EVERY FRIGGING THING around you.

It’s soooo much more enjoyable that way.

Another reason I decided to abandon Social Media ship is because of excess expectations and judgement.
It’s like
Dude, I’m on my own track of life now.
I don’t need you
Or anyone
My life decisions
My favorite things
My dreams
My goals.

So I quit.

And I was left with Snapchat. I was debating whether to delete it when I created a 4 minute long Snapchat story basically illustrating my lack of time for things I love anymore due to a social media vaccuum. {I may post that story here once I figure out how to convert it to a usable vid file….}

***{I think I got it!}***


But anways.
Because Snapchat is fleeting in nature and not permanently hanging around for people to see forever, I think I’ll keep it. But everything else? Gone.
It’s the free-est I’ve felt in a while, and honestly, I think I won’t turn back.