so much time.

Across from me
Across new wood, new toppings, new glass

Across from a chic, boho backsplash that has since replaced
the outrageously tacky neon, cotton candy wall
plagued with stickers
of small Anime character children bent over various items of sports equipment and farm animals

Is a reflection of myself
Serving up my very berry and caramel latte
talking with me about back to school through a bit of nervousness
And as I do my absolute best to remember
the name that goes with the face that first saw me
the day after I got home from wandering outside of everything I’ve ever known

I think

I think about how my very shoes stood
where yours are now
Nothing is figured out

They tell you you have to choose
A college, your future

You’re so much cooler than me
than I was at 15

Your hair is short and edgy
and you have one of those earrings that looks like leaves,
making it look like part of your ear is metal

You have been lifted from the curse of braces

and you glow
you GLOW!

offering a “welcome!” to everyone who walks through that too-heavy door.

And I want to reach right through that sneeze guard
and give you a hug because I know

You’ll get it.
Oh, you’ll get it.
You have so much time.
I hope you never lose your shine.

And as I feel like getting up and maybe reassuring you
A group of high school boys come through the door
awkwardly making themselves known
with lame finger-guns and hat flips

and all I can do is roll my eyes and smile

You’ll get it.
Oh, you’ll get it.

You have



